Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trying to make a Change

Well this is my very first Blog Post ever! I have decided to create this Blog to track my journey to better health.
18 years ago I was a Fit young man joining the Air Force at 162 Lbs I was playing Soccer and could run 10 miles a day. while in the service I started eating more than I was burning and put on about 18lbs over the next four years. I took jobs that did not require much physical activity at all and the end result was a slow weight gain to all time high of 273lbs. I had tried to diet and exercise in the past to no avail. As I have gotten older and in worse shape I have come to the conclusion that I HAVE to get the weight OFF! I want to play with my kids and
enjoy life. So thus the Journey Begins! I started out buy joining a Gym in late march and only went one time. Along came April and I made it to the Gym a whopping 2 times! I was on track. I have finely buckled down and in the last two weeks I have been 4 times and tried to run outside on the running/walking path outside of our home. I have been able to bring my time for one mile from just under 16 mis to my most resent outdoor run/walk to a 13:30 pace. Not to bad for a fat man but I have along way to go. I want to run in a 5k this year but I cannot even make 1 mile with out walking. I know I have some good people around me cheering me on and others keeping me accountable (from a distance). I hope you all enjoy my journey as much as I hope too.

 Until next time I will be, RUNNING FOR A CHANGE!

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Greg for realizing you have to start in order to make it happen!
    Now give me some of your will power!
